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Updated 30/12/2015


INFO 01/04/2012

Sunday March 25, at the General Assembly meeting of theFFAM, our colleague Roland SURUGUE was elected at the Bureau Directeur de la FFAM as the post of doctor. This election is important for the CMR which sees one of its members sitting at the highest authorities of our Federation. All our congratulations to him.



The Spring Cleaning Day at the stadium, Saturday morning March 31


I would like to say thanks to Michel and Killian Caillaud, Yoann Charon, Didier and Louis Flichot, Tom Galleteau, Thierry Marche, Jean-Marie Magnan, Etienne Peronneau, Alexandre Pineau, Emerick Point, and Roland Surugue who joined Serge and myself at the Stadium for the spring cleaning. We made very good job of it, helped by Figaro! The morning's work was followed by a barbecue and afternoon training for VCC and VRC flights.

Steve Marshall

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